Sunday, October 14, 2007

This Week's Varsity Practice Schedule

Monday's Practice: Til' 5:45pm - We will watch film immediately after school and then report to the gym for practice.

Tuesday: Please meet in Coach R's room immediately after school on this day for study tables. Dinner is planned for after study tables, so just bring your supplies for the game...water bottles, uniforms, etc. Game begins at 6:00 PM at Westerville South High School.

Please remember you are all welcome to come to our practice to help out tomorrow, and to sit with us on the bench on Tuesday. This is an open invitation to all JV players! We would love to have your support at the game, and to help with stats on the bench! Great job on Saturday with your first win! If you would like to wear your uniform to the game, please let Coach Cameron know at practice tomorrow! Thank you for your support!

Banquet Information: We are hoping to have the banquet on Monday, October 29th at the Anzalone's house. This date is tentative, but most likely the one! More details to follow! Thank you to the Anzalone's for volunteering your home for this event. We are planning to have a pot-luck, low key, jeans-only, event! This is the first year we are without seniors, so we want this to be laid back and fun!